Sunday, 25 December 2016

Part II - She is drained but she will not let her mind sink...

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Here is to you my lovely friend! You're a single mum of two years old twins. I know what clicks in your mind "Terrible Two's"? Correct. It was Five days to Christmas, you got down with some nasty viral infection and the next day, your little twinnies caught your germs! You live by yourself. You haven't got any family in this country. And more over, who-so-ever can be a help to you are also down with some flu/cold. You called me (Ha! your last hope) on 20th December 2016 and here it goes....

Phone rings... It's 21:11 and I am about to have my dinner.
Me: Hi! How are you?
My friend: Hi, Not well. I'm down with a very high temperature and cold and it's all so annoying! I hate being ill and weak. More over, my kids are not happy as their mummy's sick and been in the bed most of the day. I never felt so helpless before. She continued grumbling and I carry on listening. She was sounding really exhausted and drained due to her poorly sick body. 

Four days to Christmas, I woke up and read her text, Sorry about complaining last night. I love my children more than anything in this world. They both have caught my germs & woke up with fever. All I want is a big hug and honestly, 6 Pint of full fat cow's milk, pack of wholemeal bread, a pack of loo rolls and a box of facial tissues as we are running out of it. I afraid, I won't be able to pop to the local shops with them. Can you help me please?
(PS: we all got bad cold and constantly sneezing! Atchhoooo....)

I packed the stuff for her, took my car out, stopped by at a local shop to get milk/bread and drove to hers. I was feeling so proud that she asked me to help her. I have seen so many times, people are struggling and being so hard on themselves that they DON'T ask for help when they should do. I believe we live in a world where asking for help should be more appreciative rather than feeling guilty about it. Today you're in need, tomorrow I may be in some need too. I was glad, she did!

Half an hour drive to hers and Doorbell rings! 

Hugs!!!!! She gets all she needed. Totally! During the tough time, all we need is someone standing by our side. And when it's all overwhelming then a shoulder to lean on. She made the choice to ASK FOR HELP. Even though she had two sleepless nights, I saw the sparkle on her face that morning.

Being sick is so common part of everyone's life and it is the most frustrating thing for someone who is a single parent of either multiples or physically/mentally challenged children. It feels like you've been injured by your enemies from all the angles, lost all your weapons to protect yourself and your little kingdom. However, some kind of invisible force is leading you and motivating you each second to stand up and get back on the battlefield. It's all about your little kingdom, where your soul resides! And although you're drained, super exhausted and at the edge of loosing all, you take that one last deep breath and make it all happen. One more time, you, SP, make that happen. Each time you have this incredible experience of struggling and juggling, you become more confident and self-reliant. It's truly tremendous and amazing, each time I think of a small situation and how it hugely impacts on a SP's life. I get to learn a lot from SPs, each time I come across a SP, I get to know myself much better and clearer. I get to identify my human super powers and all the extraordinary capabilities I have! 

In the end, my friend taught me, "Every time I come across a tough situation in my life, I think of those, whose problems are much bigger and even more complicated than mine! Next? I don't see any problem in my situation. Life is bigger than a situation. So I do cry and moan but it can't stay with me forever. I choose to be positive about everything come across in my life. I am not just an ordinary fighter, I am flipping warrior! My life is a battlefield and I am my own army. This killer attitude is the only secret weapon I wear. I love my little kingdom till the last breath of my life and at the end of the day they're the force which is leading and inspiring me."


I will also leave you with this beautiful thought and look forward to write many more inspiring chapters in 2017.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all of my readers/followers.

Love you all,
Single mum is on fire XX


  1. It's great to have someone who is there for you during the tough times. There should be more in the world like you! Nice post.

    1. Exactly! Sometimes physical presence is much more needed alongside the mental presence! Thank you for your time to read and comment here ..

  2. [ Smiles ] I am looking forward to more of your chapters of inspiration in 2017!
