Friday, 16 December 2016

Part I - This is just the beginning

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My Loving SPs (Single Parents)! 

Part One, is just the beginning of my rocking journey as a SP and I thought I’d start with sharing some quick feedback (before I shoot off). Also kuddos to all SPs for doing this damn freaking & challenging job! Day in-Day out. Yes, I correctly call it a "job" as SPs superbly manage everything that comes in their way that too patiently & proudly. Everything means Every little/massive shit.. SPs are efficient, strict routine followers, timekeepers, constantly on the move for their child/ren but at the same time they are one-of-a-kind people who are bursting with emotions & feelings and in need of love & support. Even though they need so much of support themselves, they are ever so ready to support others in need. I am so much proud of you all SPs.

Once at a busy grocery checkout till as “Lady! You’re very efficient!”
On day one, my physiotherapist praised me, as “You’re a Tough Cookie!”
My boss always reminds me, “You’re my Hero!”
My team describes me, as “Their Light House!”
My neighbours call me “Rock solid mummaaa!”
My friends say they want to learn “Patience from me!”
My family reminds me every moment that "How strong their little daughter is and how she is making them proud in the most difficult battle of her life!”
My kids cries “Super mommmy! We want to be like you!!”

Here is a short story to understand.. Once my colleagues were discussing something and someone used a word “Broken Families” without realising I was also present there and it does fit in SPs case. There is nothing wrong! However, it’s a very sensitive word and IT HURT ME so badly. Basically, SPs have more than double responsibilities to care, to love and to provide (physically/emotionally) for their child/ren compared to Double Parent families. Although they do not have a so-called “complete family” environment, which might be either their destiny or their own choice. The point is they’ve started climbing a stiff cliff and took this brave step for the betterment of their child/ren and themselves. Let all the positive energy flow towards them, instead of pulling a SP into that dilemma. I know so many people encourage me and respect me as a SP and I am so grateful to you all. I only need your appreciation to keep my head up and keep going. My child/ren look up to me and I am their role model so I choose to smile and teach them values of a "real" life!
I represent ‘you’ in SPs community globally. If I can take all theses positives and move forward then you too can! Contrary, I do agree as I come across so many judgemental people who unintentional efforts are to pull me down to the ground. I have mastered not to let myself crumble anymore. I rather choose to bake a multitiered rainbow cake using amazing qualities of life (called Love, Happiness, Motivation, Dedication, Forgiveness, Gratitude, Inspiration) and enjoy it with the people who care for my little family and me.. I strive to inspire all the SPs out there as we end up in overwhelming situation mostly at the end of each day, which is absolutely normal as Single Parenting is a daunting ‘job’ and only a person of strength & tremendous will power can do this! That’s you.. ..

With Love,
On a behalf of every Single Parent XX 


  1. What an amazing Cause an d may the beginning grow into a great ending for the families. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Family is family no matter how it is "constructed." Thank you for sharing your journey thus far!

  3. Appreciate your comments lovelies! It broke my heart when I come across this world "Broken Families". I don't want our children to learn this word. I won't mind people calling it "shared families" instead!!
